Almazy stalina
Almazy stalina

almazy stalina

Lermontov, ‘Borodino’, Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii v dvukh tomakh, ed. Dikman (Biblioteka poeta, bol’shaiia seriia, 2nd edn), Leningrad, 1975, p. Orlov (Biblioteka poeta, bol’shaiia seriia, 2nd edn), Leningrad, 1969, p. Bal’mont, ‘Bozhe moi, o bozhe moi, za chto moi stradan’ia?’, Stikhotvoreniia, ed. Dikman (Biblioteka poeta, bol’shaiia seriia, 2nd edn), Leningrad, 1961, p. Bialik (ed.), Revoliutsiia 1905–1907 godov i literatura, Moscow, 1978, pp. Koretskaia, ‘Tsikl stikhotvorenii Viacheslava Ivanova “Godina gneva”’, in B. On individual symbolist writers see, for example, Joan Delaney Grossman, Valeiy Biyusov and the Riddle of Russian Decadence, Berkeley, 1985, pp. 177–8.įor a detailed account of the relationship between responses to the war and to the revolution see Avril Pyman, A History of Russian Symbolism, Cambridge, 1994, pp. 97 ‘Saksofonist, iaponets, tipichnyi samurai’, Znamia, no.

almazy stalina

Rein, ‘Almazy navsegda’, in his Beregovaia polosa, Moscow, 1989, p. See also Anna Akhmatova, Sochineniia, ed. Akhmatovoi’, Leningradskaia panorama, 1984, p. Mandrykina, ‘“Ia … videla sobytiia, kotorym ne bylo ravnykh”: iz rukopisnogo naslediia A. Igor’ Severianin, Rosa oranzhevogo chasa, in his Stikhotvoreniia i poemy 1918–1941, ed. Velimir Khlebnikov, ‘Pamiatnik’, ‘Byli veshi slishkom sini’ (see Raymond Cooke, Velimir Khlebnikov: a Critical Study, Cambridge, 1987, pp. Osip Mandelstam, ‘Kogda v dalekuiu Koreiu’, in his Sobranie sochinenii v trekh tomakh, ed. Pasternak (Biblioteka poeta, bol’shaia seriia, 3rd edn), Leningrad, 1990, vol. See, for example, Boris Pasternak, ‘9-e ianvaria’, ‘1905’, in his Stikhotvoreniia i poemy v dvukh tomakh, ed.

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See also David Wells, ‘War and National Memory: Nationalism in Contemporary Russian Literature’, Political Crossroads, vol. Valentin Pikul’, ‘Prokliataia Dogger-banka’, ‘Reshitel’nye s “Reshitel’nogo”’, in his Miniatiury, St Petersburg, 1992, pp. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. In the same way, within the ambit of Russian literature, representation of the war has been manipulated to serve a variety of ideological and aesthetic ends. For Russian and particularly Soviet historiography it precipitated the Revolution of 1905 and eventually the collapse of tsarist autocracy for military historians the patterns of its campaigns foreshadowed the First World War for some historians of Japan it has marked the culmination of Japan’s aspirations to great power status and constituted a landmark in a slide to militarism leading ultimately to war in the Pacific. As is clear from other chapters of this book, the Russo-Japanese War has very often been seen less as an event in its own right than as a precursor of something else.

Almazy stalina