Lazarsfeld, Local positivity of ample line bundles Harris, On varieties of minimal degree (a centennial account) Dorsch, On global deformations of quartic double solidsĭ. Dimca, Topics on real and complex singularities. Höring, Numerical characterisation of quadricsĪ. Demailly, Singular Hermitian metrics on positive line bundles, Complex algebraic varieties, pp. Debarre, Higher-dimensional algebraic geometry Campana, Rational curves and ampleness properties of the tangent bundle of algebraic varieties, Manuscripta Math, vol. Shepherd-barron, Characterizations of projective space and applications to complex symplectic manifolds, Higher dimensional birational geometry, pp. Jiang, On the anti-canonical geometry of Q-Fano threefolds Chen, On anti-pluricanonical systems of Q-Fano ?-folds Cheltsov, On factoriality of nodal threefolds Chan, A lower bound on Seshadri constants of hyperplane bundles on threefolds III : Limits as cone angle approaches 2? and completion of the main proof, J. Sun, Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds. Sun, Kähler-Einstein metrics and stability, Int. Druel, Locally unsplit families of rational curves of large anticanonical degree on Fano manifolds, Int. Orbifolds, special varieties and classification theory, Ann. Campana, Connexité rationnelle des variétés de Fano Wi?niewski, On B?nic? sheaves and Fano manifolds, Compositio Math., ?(?), pp. Szemberg, Seshadri constants and the generation of jets, J. Sommese, ?e adjunction theory of complex projective varieties, volume ? of de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics Broustet, Non-annulation effective et positivité locale des fibrés en droites amples adjointsĬ.

Broustet, Constantes de Seshadri du diviseur anticanonique des surfaces de del PezzoĪ. Brieskorn, Ein Satz über die komplexen ?adrikenĪ. Bonavero, Sur des variétés de Moishezon dont le groupe de Picard est de rang un, Bull. Birkar, Singularities of linear systems and boundedness of Fano varieties Birkar, Anti-pluricanonical systems on Fano varietiesĬ. Ionescu, A view on extending morphisms from ample divisors, Interactions of classical and numerical algebraic geometry, pp. Hirzebruch, Characteristic classes and homogeneous spaces, I. ?e pseudoeffective cone of a compact Kähler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira dimensionĪ. Demailly, Mihai P?un, and ?omas Peternell. Mourougane, Stability of restrictions of cotangent bundles of irreducible hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type, Publ. Mckernan, Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type, J. Bo?, On the zeros of meromorphic vector-fields, Essays on Topology and Related Topics (Mémoires dédiés à Georges de Rham), pp. Barlet, Note on the semi-continuity of the algebraic dimension B?descu, Hyperplane sections and deformations, Algebraic geometry, Bucharest ?ĭ. Wi?niewski, On manifolds whose tangent bundle contains an ample subbundle, Invent. Araujo, Rational curves of minimal degree and characterizations of projective spaces , ?in algebras of embedding dimension threeĬ. Ando, Pluricanonical systems of algebraic varieties of general type of dimension ? 5, Algebraic geometryĭ. Ando, On extremal rays of the higher-dimensional varieties, Invent. Ambro, Ladders on Fano varieties, ?(?) :?-?, ?. ?eorems about good divisors on log Fano varieties (case of index r > n ? 2), Algebraic geometryį. Kebekus, Galois coverings and endomorphisms of projective varietiesĪ. Andreo?i, ?e Lefschetz theorem on hyperplane sections, Ann.

Kovács, Cohomological characterizations of projective spaces and hyperquadrics, Invent.